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My story doesn’t start with a degree or some startling revelation. It starts on a questionably sticky floor on my 16th birthday where I am nestled between strangers, waiting for the Nuyorican Poetry Slam finals to begin.


This night at the Nuyorican is the first time I recognized the power that our stories hold. I understood that that we are not only changed by telling our own stories but if we let it, we can be changed by listening to someone else’s story.


While I haven’t graced the stage of a poetry slam in years, I still carry this potential for transformation with me. It led me to receive my B.A. from Barnard College of Columbia University and my M.A. from New York University. Now, whether I am working with someone individually or delivering a keynote to hundreds, I create spaces where people can feel comfortable asking the questions they are afraid to ask, where teams gain a new understanding of who they are and who their colleagues are, and how this all affects how show up to work.


At work, we can be accountable to one another in a way that we cannot be in the world at large. We have a unique opportunity at work to create spaces where our people can thrive and when our people thrive, our businesses thrive. Creating a more inclusive world starts with creating a more inclusive workplace.


I named my consultancy Revel Impact because I believe that this change happens in the small moments. The ordinary moments as much as the extraordinary. The moments that we write poems about. The moments we revel in.


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